Long before piracy made the first page and maritime security expanded with the accompanying confusion AFFAIRACTION was quietly providing its signature one-way mirror security to discriminating yacht owners and captains; AFFAIRACTION is the first superyacht security firm.
AFFAIRACTION offers the ultimate maritime security Solution. Every member of our teams is a former Navy Commando, most of them from the prestigious Commando Hubert. Navy Commandos are sent in the most intense firefights. These experienced warriors remain calm in all circumstances and will adapt their response to the actual level of threat. Beyond the security of the crew and the vessel they will safeguard the liability of the owner.
AFFAIRACTION's comprehensive approach has adapted to the evolution of the actual maritime threat for yacht owners. Pirates are the least of security concerns when terrorism, piracy, and organized crime have merged. Against this new breed of jackals, one would be wise to be escorted by AFFAIRACTION sea wolves.
AFFAIRACTION armed escort confer the ultimate peace of mind to the crew, the owners and the insurers.